Addiction Intervention Coaching - Tucson, Arizona
(in-person, by telephone, or ZOOM)
• Intervention Family Coaching (This is a low cost approach to putting
together the usual family intervention.) I ZOOM or conference call with
your family to talk about the dos and don'ts of an intervention, educate
about substance abuse and the steps to take to formulate a plan to
move forward. Your family has the opportunity to talk about the idea
of an intervention and what it will take. I coach your family long enough
to process feelings and help you create a plan to follow through on the
intervention - whether you move forward with me or not!
• Typical Intervention - offered in Tucson, Arizona - I lead the
intervention, much like a director setting up a play - there are scripts,
letters, rehearsals, and the actual intervention itself where, if all goes
well, the loved one goes to treatment.
• Post-Intervention Coaching - I support your family after the actual
intervention event. Some of the common challenges for families who
intervene on substance abuse are processing the intervention event,
learning the 'dos and don’ts of supporting the loved one in treatment,
putting together self-care, good communication, having a family
relapse prevention plan (setting new ground rules) and simply learning
how to trust the process.
• Recovery Life Coaching (after treatment) - This focuses on helping
clients create a long-term plan to stay in recovery, using coaching tools
and techniques with built-in accountability. The family or intervention
client hires me to support recovery post-treatment.
"As a seasoned interventionist and a Nationally Certified
Addiction Counselor, and Certified Recovery Life Coach, I offer
several ways to work with your family. I approach alcohol & drug
interventions from a holistic perspective treating the entire family
unit as the client with mindfulness and compassion."
Comments from family members…
From the ‘intervention wrap up meeting’ after the intervention itself:
“Hi Rebecca, Thank you very much for helping me and my sisters
navigate that conversation tonight. I think it could have really torn us
apart if we hadn’t had you to really drill down to the heart of the issue.
I appreciate you very much, and I will make sure this isn’t the last time
we see you!!" C. R. (5/20/19)
From my follow up survey, after the intervention:
Rebecca, I can't thank you enough for the time you spent helping me
and my family. What made you so special to us was your ability to help
us work through some of the hardest conversations and things we've
ever done. You always helped advocate for us (the children) and
honored each of us in our own journeys. Thank you - we couldn't have
done this important work without you." S. C. (6/10/19)

a week ago from Google (2/13/22)Rebecca helped my husband and I learn to deal more effectively
with our son's addiction. Addiction truly is a family disease.
And this was really hard work. It was heart based work between
a mother and son. And it meant breaking old habits of thought.
There were a lot of tears. I had no clue what I was doing. And
I was not at all sure I could do what Rebecca was asking me to
do or even that any of it would actually work. BUT IT DID!
Everyone has their life back right now. For the last 13 years, I
have been dealing with this. And because of Rebecca's
vast experience and her no nonsense strategies, we are
all in a good place now. Very, very grateful that we found
Rebecca. Very grateful we hung in there and did the work.
I would recommend Rebecca to anyone needing life
coaching but absolutely to anyone suffering from addiction
in the family.
I have developed my own intervention model, drawing from several factors:
- my academic
training specific to interventions and substance use disorders,
- (since 1991) my years of experience orchestrating interventions,
- my formal professional coach training which informes my coaching approach.
I have developed a more inclusive, client-driven coaching model for working with
families who desire to create an intervention themselves or to hire me for a more
formal intervention. (I also created an educational 5-week course for families
who are not quite ready to embark on an intervention, but need time to process
their feelings and want Intervention Recovery Coaching.)